
Author: Paloma Garcia Cruz

The Parachute Reflex: Key to Brain Reorganization and Motor Development

The Parachute Reflex: Key to Brain Reorganization and Motor Development

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf you’re a parent, you might not be familiar with terms like brain reorganization, but it plays a big part in your child’s growth and learning. As your child develops, their brain must reorganize to learn new skills, from physical coordination to thinking and focusing. One important piece of this puzzle is the way the brain handles primitive reflexes—automatic movements babies are born with. These reflexes, like the Parachute Reflex, help with survival and early learning, but they need to fade away or be “integrated” as your child grows.

When Does the Startle Reflex Go Away?

When Does the Startle Reflex Go Away?

Reading Time: 2 minutesAs a first-time parent, understanding the startle reflex, or Moro reflex, is important for monitoring your baby’s development. This automatic response is a key indicator of your baby’s neurological health. Knowing when it should go away and what challenges might arise if it persists can help you support your child’s.

Primitive Reflexes: Their Significance and Benefits

Primitive Reflexes: Their Significance and Benefits

Reading Time: 3 minutesPrimitive reflexes are automatic, involuntary movements that originate in the central nervous system and are exhibited by newborns. These reflexes are crucial for survival and development in early life, laying the foundation for future voluntary motor skills and cognitive functions. Understanding these reflexes helps parents and caregivers support their baby’s.