Reading Time: 2 minutesReading Time: 2 minutes

Trust is defined as “firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something”.

There are many areas in which trust is not only beneficial, but an essential component of a thriving life:

…Trust in yourself and your innate wisdom and  ability to overcome obstacles.

…Trust in your children and their innate wisdom
and ability to overcome obstacles.

…Trust in the process of life and the lessons presented to you.

…Trust that you are exactly where you need to be and that you are in a process of discovery.

The antithesis of trust is doubt. Whether you come into the world already doubting yourself, or it happens later on via early caregiver messaging, you will time and again find yourself in scenarios that require you give up your power to others in order to maintain an illusion of the safety you feel you are unable to provide. When those whom you have entrusted to protect you fail to act accordingly, you may begin to feel that the world is a dangerous place. Lacking this internal trust and stability, you will unconsciously feel unsafe. This can manifest in all sorts of unhelpful ways including anxiety, depression, insomnia, hopelessness, helplessness, and despair, as well as the more externalized anger and blame. It is a continually reinforcing spiral that is all too easy to unconsciously conspire with.

We see it all around us in the world today, with people taking sides and expecting one political leader or another to make decisions that will keep them safe. When these expectations are inevitably not met, the internal dissonance it creates begins to look for an outlet, eventually pitting person against person; group against group, and so on, until the unmet expectations of the self-doubting individual are played out on a global stage.

What is the antidote to this? Awareness and TRUST in your own innate wisdom. A firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of yourself and of the ability of others to be able to access that same strength if they so choose. This is the way in which we move out of the lie of victimhood and into our true power.

…We trust in our own wisdom and our ability to overcome obstacles.

…We trust in the innate wisdom of our children and their ability to overcome obstacles.

…We trust in the process of life and the lessons presented to us.

…We trust that we are exactly where we need to be and that we are in a process of discovery.

Here at In the Cortex, we also trust that we were led to this work for a purpose and that we are being guided to share it with you. And we trust that your innate wisdom has led you here on your journey of growth and expansion.

It is our mission to guide you into trusting the process of your life, and stepping out of survival mode into full potential. We were once exactly where you are now, so we can show you how…simply. You have already taken the first step by finding us and we are honored to join together with you on your journey.

Welcome. We are so happy you are here.