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No Special Equipment Necessary

No Special Equipment Necessary

Reading Time: < 1 minute There are some really great things about our program that sets us apart from any other. For example, anyone can do our program. That’s right, anyone. Another great aspect of this program is that it requires little to no equipment. All of the movements can be done using nothing other.

What Does it Mean to Compensate?

What Does it Mean to Compensate?

Reading Time: 3 minutes It makes sense to us that parents of children showing signs of autism, Asperger’s, PDD, and other neurodevelopmental challenges might be interested in looking into brain integration exercises to improve their child’s behavior and brain development, but what about seemingly neurotypical children? And what about their parents? Are brain exercises.

Why In the Cortex Is For Everyone

Why In the Cortex Is For Everyone

Reading Time: 2 minutes We live in a stressful world, and that affects all of us in different ways. Not knowing what to expect from day to day can make us feel anxious, irritable, and on edge. We may even have difficulty sleeping. Without proper sleep, we are not functioning at our best. Even.